Death To Vinyl!

DeathToVinyl1 “…bemoaning the sad fact that most signs are either digitally printed onto or digitally cut from stickyback vinyl. It always looks so noncommittal to me, as if you don’t really intend to keep your shop open for more than a year or so. A good handpainted sign shows that you plan to stay, and are serious about your enterprise – you MEAN it!”

The words (and work) of Jim Medway – a Manchester based man of many talents who I happened upon just this week while browsing the Pre-Vinylite facebook page for inspiration. Much as I’m reluctant to dismiss vinyl completely, after all it does pay my bills (and probably will for some time), I do agree with the above sentiment.

Medway is, from the information gleaned via his website, first and foremost an artist and published cartoonist who also runs educational workshops in schools and community groups. He also seems to be increasingly involved in hand-painted signwriting.

OldSchoolWildStyleI’m enjoying his work very much. Take a look for yourself……

Jim Medway

Paw Quality Comics